Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Encyclopedia Wines

The other weekend I was at the grocery store (my favorite grocery store) and stopped to taste the wine they were sampling (this is why it's my favorite). They were featuring the newest line of wines from Francis Ford Coppola called Encyclopedia Wines. The concept focuses on educating drinkers about wine, which evident on the highly informative and academic-themed website. The packaging caught my eye right away- rather than the standard shaped wine bottle this line of wines is bottled in what looks like a piece of equipment from a science lab. The wine rep at the tasting told us that the bottle itself is meant to be reused as a decanter. Seems they're targeting a younger crowd who is both new to wine drinking and also appreciative of an environmentally conscious package. I think it's a great concept overall, I have a feeling it'll do better than the slew of animal-themed wines we've seen emerge in recent years.

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